DWI Attorney Minneapolis, Minnesota
Penalties for driving while intoxicated or DWI in Minnesota can range from fines to seven years in prison, depending on the number of previous convictions and other aggravating factors. If you have been charged with a DWI in Minnesota, your driver’s license will be revoked and you could be required to have whiskey plates in MN and the vehicle you were driving can be seized by the police. You must defend your right to have a valid driver’s license, regular license plates and the return of the seized vehicle. It is possible to avoid these consequences.
Aggravating Factors in DUI Arrests
Your DUI conviction can be made a lot more severe if any of the following factors are present during your arrest:
If you have a prior DWI within 10 years
Test Refusal
Child under the age of 16 in the vehicle
BAC .16 or higher
You have the right to refuse to perform field sobriety tests and also a right to speak to a DWI lawyer in Minnesota before making a decision to submit to testing. Stay calm and remain polite during the arrest and contact Anthony Grostyan s soon as possible. You have the right to remain silent during and after the arrest.
First degree DWI is a Felony and is charged if there have been three or more alcohol related incidents within the past 10 years. A first degree Felony DWI charge can result in a prison sentence of 7 years and fines of up to $14,000. 169A.24
Second degree DWI is a Gross Misdemeanor and is charged when there are two or more aggravating factors involved. Penalties can be up to one year in jail, license plate impoundment, (whiskey plates in MN) and fines of up to $3,000. 169A.25
Third degree DWI is a Gross Misdemeanor can be charged when one of the aggravating factors is present with maximum penalties being the same as second degree except for forfeiture of the vehicle. 169A.26
Fourth degree DWI is a misdemeanor and is charged when there are no aggravating factors. This is the most common charge for a first DWI offense and is a misdemeanor that can result in a maximum of 90 days in jail, 90 or 30 day suspension of license, and fines of up to $1,000. 169A.27
Anthony Grostyan will aggressively defend your rights and thoroughly investigate your case, including interviewing arresting officers and other witnesses. There may be grounds to challenge the reasons that the police had for pulling you over or there may be questions about the validity of the Breathalyzer tests used by the police involved. The procedures used in giving a field sobriety tests may also be challenged.
Anthony Grostyan has the knowledge and experience to help you determine all of your legal options. He passionately believes in fighting for an individual’s Constitutional rights and has successfully helped thousands of clients. Call Anthony Grostyan to ensure that your rights are protected and you fully understand all of your legal options. 612-341-6575
Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence, or DWI, is an offense that includes not only alcohol, but also Schedule I and Schedule II drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamines, or heroin. You can be charged with DWI even if the drug was prescribed by a doctor. Marijuana is the only drug excluded from the list.
Revocation of your driver’s license
Vehicle Forfeiture
Mandatory substance abuse counseling
Jail time for a misdemeanor conviction
A prison sentence for a felony conviction
Community service
DWI penalties in MINNESOTA:
Mandatory Ignition Interlock
Driver’s License Revocation
Driver’s License Cancellation
License Plate Impoundment
Vehicle Forfeiture/Seizure
Mandatory alcohol/drug treatment
Pleading guilty is not your only option. You have the right to challenge the basis for the initial police contact, the basis to arrest you for suspicion of DWI, the right to challenge admissibility of evidence (for a variety of reasons) and the right to be presumed innocent of the charges and present your case to a jury or a judge for a determination of whether or not you are guilty of the DWI. It is important that the police follow certain procedures and laws before arresting someone for DWI. For these reasons, it is critical to hire an experienced DWI Defense Attorney to protect your rights and fight the DWI charge.
Anthony M. Grostyan, Esq. 612-341-6575
DWI Resource Links
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Overview of Minnesota’s DWI Laws
Alcoholics Anonymous
Online BAC Calculator
DWI Articles & Information
DWI Blood, Breath, or Urine Test Refusal
2013 Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169A
First Offense DWI in Minnesota
10 Things to Know if Stopped for a DUI
If you are charged with a DWI you need an aggressive, experienced DWI Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Anthony M. Grostyan is a DWI Attorney in Minneapolis, MN and represents people charged with DWI and other criminal charges in the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Hennepin County and Ramsey County and throughout Minnesota, including Sherburne County, Dakota County, Carver County, Scott County, Anoka County, Washington County, Stearns County, Crow Wing County, Benton County, Pine County, Isanti County, Goodhue County, Wright County, St. Louis County and the cities of Maple Grove, Wayzata, Plymouth, Minnetonka, Golden Valley, Rogers, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Robbinsdale, New Hope, Eden Prairie, Orono, Edina, Burnsville, Chaska, Eagan and Bloomington and all cities in Minnesota.

Call to talk to a DWI Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Anthony Grostyan 612-341-6575.